A&M-Commerce Hosts Special Education Mini Field Day for Commerce ISD

Students of all abilities from Commerce ISD (CISD) 和 A&M-Commerce joined forces to facilitate a day of activities for students with disabilities on Friday, Sept. 29.

In total, more than 50 CISD students attended with several teachers 和 staff members. General education students participated as peer mentors.

Two students enjoying a game of flag tag.

Hosted in the Nursing 和 健康 Sciences Building's Pedagogy 和 Physical Activity LabCampus Recreation's outdoor turf courts, the event featured activity stations designed to increase physical activity, promote social interaction 和 foster overall enjoyment.

Twelve A&M-Commerce students representing the Department of 健康 和 Human Performance 和 the Honors College led the activity stations, which included scooter tag, pickleball, flag tag, bowling, an obstacle course 和 an inflatable football throwing station provided by Special Olympics Texas.

Two students share a hug side-by-side while posing for a photo.

Dr. Kelly Featherston said these community engagement events provide students at smaller districts with unique experiences while allowing A&M-Commerce kinesiology students to implement skills learned in class, including motor development, adapted physical education 和 teaching methods.

A kinesiology student provides instructions for young students participating in a gym activity on floor scooters.

View photos from the event 和 explore opportunities available through the Department of 健康 和 Human Performance.

(Photos courtesy of Heather Kilgore | Commerce ISD)